Blaquid Consultant

About Us


Blaquid Consultant was established in 2013 as the first virtual assistance company in Geneva, Switzerland. Over the years our business model has expanded to include, virtual relocation services, sourcing both personal protective equipment (PPE) and solar energy products, and providing life coaching counselling.


The name Blaquid is a combination of two financial accounting terms, 'in the black' and 'liquid'. In the black is a term referring to an organisation's cash flow. It means that the entity has a positive financial position. Liquid refers to cash assets, assets that generate cash, such as income producing real estate or assets that can be easily converted to cash like stocks and bonds. Blaquid embodies a financial resource mobilization policy that represents a road map toward the effective oversight of money management.


We endeavour to provide fair and transparent consulting services to the public and private sectors via state of the art Information and Communication Technology. Our goal is to demonstrate the value of the family business model in global commerce within the frame work of the Small & Medium Enterprise (SME).


  • United States Air Force (USAF);

  • UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO);

  • UN Operation in Mozambique (ONUMOZ);

  • UN Assistance Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR);

  • UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE);

  • UN Office at Geneva (UNOG);

  • UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT);

  • UN Environment Programme (UNEP);

  • US Veterans Health Administration (VHA).

With over 30 years of experience in administration, real estate, logistics, Industrial security, information and communication technology, and international trade, we have acquired comprehensive knowledge of public and private sector commerce. Exposure to 20 plus countries on 4 continents has afforded us insight into the global marketplace. We are strategically positioned to serve the international community.


As principals, we stand behind the products and services we promote and believe that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Good Governance are the products of vision, competence and accountability.